Clark Cougar Sports


by on Feb.04, 2011, under Uncategorized

NISD has announced that today’s games have been canceled and rescheduled.  No JV or Freshman games take place tomorrow. Here is the explanation from NISD:

NISD Communications Department
February 3, 2011

Athletic Events for for Feb. 4 and 5:
-All athletic events have been canceled for Friday, February 4th.
-All sub-varsity events have been canceled for Saturday, February 5th.
-All Varsity events  will be played as scheduled on Saturday, February 5th.
-All Varsity Basketball canceled Friday, February 4th, have been Rescheduled for Saturday, February 5th
-All Varsity Soccer canceled Friday, February 4th, will be made up this next week – tba.
-Any scheduled practices for Saturday will be permitted.

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